With a common sense approach to life and the ups and downs it brings us, The Depths of Life, is Eeefy's inspirational take on all the challenges, problems and enigmas that we all face at one time or another. It's more than a mere collection of problems and solutions for our everyday lives. It's an examination of the objects, the people and the situations that keep us from fulfilling our goals and keep us from the happiness we all seek.
"The Depths Of Life, shares my unique perception of life and my grasp of its intricacies. The wisdom, knowledge and appreciation of life and its many collective beauties that I have acquired have been gained from extensive travels, excruciating struggles and wonderful life experiences. From my own agonizing and wonderful life experiences, I have gained the understanding that some of us arent mentally and emotionally capable of employing our own will power to rise above our struggles."
By touching on such topics as love, divorce, the relationships between parents and their children, as well as infidelity, careers, honesty and fear, Eeefy brings her life experience to the fore by identifying the things lead us toward bad relationships, negative people and situations that threaten our very being. In a nurturing and supportive tone, Eeefy puts us in touch with our own weaknesses and our strengths to allow us to adapt and overcome these challenges. The book is magazine size and written in the format of a coffee table book so, it is ideal for gifts and sharing with others. It is great for reference as it features Eeefy's real world, practical wisdom. Incorporated in the book are professional photographs of Eeefy showing her myriad looks, which also compliment the various topics she addresses.