The strings of destiny are a connectivity that demands us to take care of ourselves, take care of one another and contribute to society.
About Eeefy
Eeefy is an accomplished model, actress, author and life coach. She has lived in several countries and is fluent in multiple languages. One of her passions is to build a burn center in Africa. She is using her experiences in life to promote positive self esteem. Eeefy is also a burn survivor. Some of Eeefy’s work includes commercials for Gillette, Burger King, Keglevich Vodka, Sauza Diablo Tequila, Comcast, Diesel Jeans, and Nokia among others.
She guest starred in the John Stamos 20th Century Fox television series, “Jake in Progress,” as well as a number of independent films. She is featured in Hollywood documentary “FEMME”, a celebration of women healing the world.
She received a Goodwill Ambassador award in 2013 for inspiring and motivating the youth of Nigeria and in 2014 she was given a Nollywood Africa Film Critics Award aka NAFCA Patriot Award, in Beverley Hills California.
Eeefy has appeared in major media channels for her work in women and youth empowerment programs. Eeefy has recently completed work training for the Niger Delta Militants under the Presidential Amnesty Program of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.